Surpraise Dessert

Surpraise Dessert by Chef Ricky Sulaiman (ICA BPD Jabar).

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan

1 sachet (2 gr) agar-agar

1/5 tsp (1,25 ml) calcium lactate

1 sachet (2 gr) sodium alginate

2 cups water

1/2 cup milk

2/3 cup vanilla yoghurt

1 1/4 cups diced mango

2 tbls sugar


1 Make the alginate bath:

2 Dissolve the sodium alginate in 2 cups of water with a hand blender or an eggbeater.

3 Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

4 In a pan, mix the milk and agar-agar. Bring to a boil.

5 Add milk preparation to yoghurt and stir well.

6 Pour the yoghurt over a plate twice successively to create the shape of sunny-side up egg white.

7 Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

8 In a blender, puree the mango, sugar, and calcium lactate.

9 Using a measuring spoon, deposit mango puree into the alginate bath.

10 Let sit for 3 minutes.

11 Pick up the "egg yolks" with a pierced spoon and rinse them in a bowl of water.

12 Place the "yolks" on the "whites" and season with chocolate powder if desired.

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