Balinese Babi Panggang Garing | Crispy Balinese Pork Belly

Crspy Balinese Pork Belly.

Babi Panggang Garing is One of favorite alternative food while they compare to Suckling Pig as Balinese Region Culture in 2x time a years on celebration during Galungan & Kuningan Days

- recommend for Non Halal Food (Pork Lover around the world)

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan

150 gr Pork Belly

80 gr Bumbu Rajang

10 gr Wewangen

5 gr Cinamon

10 gr Coriander seed

15 gr Galangal | Ginger Root

10 gr Ginger

50 gr |Raw Chili Lemongrass | Sambal Matah

5 tbs Sweet Soya

60 gr Steamed Long Bean | Kalas Kacang Panjang

70 gr Steamed Rice


1 Boilled pork belly in hot pot lets keep the skin down.

2 Adding Balinese bumbu rajang, ginger, galangal, coriander seed, cinamon and herb/ wewangian, spicy on the stock and keep braised.

3 Take out from boilng after 20 minutes then continue soaking the only skin with vinegar & salt, keep aside.

4 Continued to put on the oven on heat 200 degree celcisu for 20-25 minutes then removed from the oven.

5 While cutting you have to add some sweet soya and vinegar for basting those pork belly.

6 Continue to cut | slice according to the picture and add the sambal matah | lemongrass paste around pork belly.

7 Side vegetables just blunch until well cooked the direct those wiith bumbu kalas, coconut spice yellow bumbu.

8 Platting with garnished and edible flowers.

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