Beauty Veggie Roll with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Beauty Veggie Roll with Spicy Peanut Sauce by Chef Vindy Lee.

Hidangan ini didemokan pada saat Chef Expo 2019.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan

Sambal kacang:

150 gr kacang tanah sangrai

6-10 buah cabe merah keriting (sesuai spicy level)

2 buah candlenuts kemiri, toasted sangrai

50 gr white sugar

2 sdt garam

pinch pepper

600 ml water

2 sdm minyak

lime leaf

100 gr gula jawa (palm sugar)

2 sdt white sugar

Blue beauty bihoon:

2 sdt butterfly pea flowers

500 ml water

Assembly beauty rolls:

rice paper

a plate of water (to soak rice paper)

lettuce leaves

cabbage (shredded)

red pepper (strips)

cucumber (match sticks)

carrot (thin match sticks)

fried tou (optional soy marinade)

scrambled egg/omelet (strips)

bean sprouts (slightly blanched in hot water)

alfafa sprouts


edible flowers

fresh herbs example, kemangi/mint/coriander leaves


1 Sambal kacang:

2 Blend peanuts, chili candlenuts chili, sugar, salt, and pepper and 250 ml water until a smooth paste.

3 Stir fry in oil. Add bruised lime leaf, fry until quite dry and fragrant takes about 10 minutes.

4 Prepare 350 ml hot water add to peanut mixture.

5 Stir add white vinegar and palm sugar.

6 Blue Beauty Bihoon:

7 Boil water, turn heat off and steep flowers in boiling water for ten minutes.

8 Sieve and return water to pot.

9 Take desired amount (about 150 gr per person) of bihoon and steep in almost boiling butterfly pea flower solution.

10 Strain softened bihoon.

11 Assembly beauty rolls:

12 Soak rice paper until soft.

13 Put desired ingredients onto 1/3 of the rice paper and add noodles.

14 Choose your preferred filling.

15 Roll tight and serve with room temperature peanut sauce.

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